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3.7 3
Young Adult Fiction 1194
The Raft
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Enjoyed this plane crash plot. Does anyone else have any suggestions of more plane crash books?
Good Points
S.A. Bodeen totally and completely captured me in The Raft. My eyes were glued to the page and they didn’t come off until a few minutes ago when I finished the book, and even then I wanted there to be more. The Raft was about a 15 year old girl named Robie who is visiting her aunt AJ in Honolulu. When suddenly AJ has to go off on business and she leaves Robie to fend for herself (she leaves her a babysitter but at the last minute the babysitter drops out and Robie doesn’t tell her aunt no spoiler this happened in the beginning) Anyways something bad happens and Robie decides she want’s to go home so she get’s to the airport and talks to Jimmy the pilot who she’s known her whole life and he lets her on the plane to get home. Unfortunately when the plane is about an hour away from home it loses the engine and it goes down. Once again Robie ends up having to fend for herself again basically…

I’ve never read anything like this before and like I said I was so in love with this book! I’ve seen TV shows about plane crashes like this (Lost which she actually talks about in the book) but I’ve never read anything about it so I can truthfully say any plane crashing books are going to be very appealing to me know so you can all thank Bodeen for that!

Robie was unlike any other she was definitely a girl at times but at others she was strong and could handle everything on her own even though she didn’t think she could. She had to deal with dehydration, starvation, the pain of an infection from her recently pierced nose. After surviving on her raft for a few days she finally washes up on shore, but this doesn’t make anything better except that she’s on stable land.

There was one other character we meet in the book and his name is Alex. He was the co-pilot on the ship and he survived the crash with Robie but he was asleep most of the time because of a head injury from the crash. But anyways in parts during the book he tells Robie about his life in little pieces and then he falls back asleep abruptly. That was one of my favorite parts in the book because it took away from the “OMG is she going to survive?!?!” and made it into a little bit of a relaxing moment.

Anyways I give this book 5 out of 5 stars for the balancing amount of Dramatics and relaxing moments! Sometimes that can be hard but Bodeen nailed it! I can’t wait to read more of her books in the future.
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August 25, 2012
sounds good story..i intrique with the tittle and the cover..
thx...ur review is very helpful :)
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