Review Detail

3.8 63
Young Adult Fiction 537
The Pigman
Overall rating
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Reader reviewed by Stephen H.

Book title and author:  Paul Zindel

Title of review: The Pigman

Number of stars (1 to 5): 5


            This is a story that takes place in a small town near New York City about two teenagers; John Conlan and Loraine Jensen, and a middle-aged man; Angelo Pignati( also known as the Pigman). I really enjoyed the plot and the way the book was written. It tells a story of how two sophomores become friends by chance with a middle-aged man who they never met before, yet lives in the same town as them.
             John is a charming, popular kid who gets away with a lot of things because of his good looks and Lorraine is a laid back, shy sort of girl who is criticized by her mother frequently. Both of them have family problems. One day John, Lorraine, and two other friends are having a phone marathon (a game where you call a random number in a phonebook and try to keep the person on the phone as long as you can). This time Lorraine peaks while picking a number and falls upon Angelo Pignati. She tells him that she is with a charity and is asking for donations. Mr. Pignati is a loose talker and keeps talking about anything and everything. Finally she gets him back to the charity and arranges to pick it up because John makes her. John does not see anything wrong with taking the money, but Lorraine does not want to. Will they take the money? How will their relationship develop with Mr.Pignati? Read and find out?
            This book is a mind boggling adventure that keeps you on the edge of your seat. One thing different about the book is John tells a chapter and the Lorraine tells a chapter and it goes back and forth.

This is a book that will keep you wanting to read and not put it down.

This is a five out of five book that youll want to read again

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