Review Detail

Young Adult Fiction 267
Young Adult Slice of Life
Overall rating
Writing Style
Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
I received a free copy from the publisher through Netgalley.
The Most Dangerous Place on Earth centers around a group of teenagers who attend an elite school in California. This topic fascinated me. I love to slice of life stories.
The story begins with a tragic event occurring to one of the students at the school. The subsequent chapters rotate back and forth between various students and teachers.
The thing that stands out most about the story is that there is no plot to this book AT ALL. It's more just vignettes of various days of various character's lives. I didn't like any of the characters. All the kids were privileged beyond belief and acted badly. The new English teacher, Molly, was incredibly naive.
While I did enjoy the 'Great Gatsby' parallels, this book was not for me.
Good Points
Slice of Life
Lot of literary references
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