Review Detail

Kids Fiction 542
Artistic story connected to famous tapestries
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Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
A Lord and his men are determined to use the woods for hunting and trampling, never caring for the wreckage they leave behind or the value of the lives of mystical creatures. Their most illusive prey is the unicorn, whose horn can remove all poison. Will they manage to capture the unicorn or will it escape their clutches?

THE LADY AND THE UNICORN is an awesome original take on the Unicorn Tapestries. I love how detailed the author and artist got in weaving the story. From the symbolism of the flowers in the pictures to the language in the text, this was clearly a labor of love of art history. What makes it even more compelling is that it is accessible for young readers who have no knowledge or interest in art history yet because it reads like a beautiful fairy tale. Readers who are slightly older will have a great lesson at the end of the book where the author breaks down the elements in the different real life tapestries.

The illustrations are excellent, and there are a few opportunities for fun where you can try to find where the unicorn is hiding as the men chase him. The forest imagery is lush and detailed and includes scenes of the forest in different seasons and in different areas, like the river.

THE LADY AND THE UNICORN is a lovely fairy tale for both young and older readers that calls to art history and the power of a well done tapestry.
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