Review Detail

4.5 33
Young Adult Fiction 483
Mockingjay: a successful end to an awesome series
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Reader reviewed by Kelsey

When Mockingjay FINALLY got to me at the library, I was so excited!! The last book of the Hunger Games
trilogy! What will happen next?? Who will Katniss end up with?? How
will they defeat the Capitol?? I couldn't wait to delve into the world
of Panem, no matter how depressing it is.

I can't saw I LOVED it. In my opinion, the first two were definitely better. I don't know if it was just me, but Mockingjay
moves a bit slower than the others (except for the last hundred pages,
when there's some strong action). There's still surprises and twists
that I could never expect to happen, but it just didn't reach the
magnitude I thought it was going to be.

I didn't like the ending...*SPOILER* What
happened to Gale? Why doesn't Collins tell us the whole story. I
actually wanted her to end up with Gale, and I don't really know why she
didn't. I guess their strong connection since childhood and all the
time they spent together is no match for what Katniss only thinks might have happened (that Gale blew up her sister).
The way it ended, there could be another book(s) after, but I kind of doubt the author will write more.

I couldn't be more excited about the movie that's coming out based on
the books (or is it just based on the first one?). Suzanne Collins is
writing the screenplay, so it shouldn't be totally botched. I think
it'll make a great movie though, because there's so much physical action
and visual stuff that's going on. It would be awesome to see it on the
big screen!
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