Review Detail

3.5 11
Young Adult Fiction 541
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The only word I can think of to describe The House of the Scorpion is weird. I give it major props for the world building but I didn't like much else. The basic plot was interesting but the exact events were to strange and offsetting. I think this may be because I didn't particularly like the writing style. I don't know what it was about it that I wasn't fond of, there was just something about it that I could not connect with. Or perhaps it wasn't the writing but Matteo I had problems with? Or a combination? I don't know but Matteo did unsettle me. I feel like I'm supposed to feel a lot of sympathy for he and I did for a while but something about his thoughts and actions(especially those involving Maria) ended up seriously creeping me out. So basically I didn't like this and if it weren't for the interesting world I wouldn't be able to see how it could get any of the awards it has gotten. As is I do have a bit of difficulty understanding it.
Good Points
World Building
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