Review Detail

4.7 43
Young Adult Fiction 695
Amazing and Unforgettable
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Reader reviewed by the book muncher

Earth has been invaded by parasitic souls. The souls think they are helping the humans by purging the Earth of violence; the resisting humans see it differently. Humans have become hosts for these parasites and been forced to relinquish control of their bodies and minds to the souls. The resisting humans see this as bad as murder, if not worse.

Wanderer is a soul who has chosen Earth as the setting for her ninth life. She is given the body of Melanie Stryder, a recently captured resister. Wanderer has been informed about the increased difficulties of a mature adult host, but she never expects for Melanies mind to still be there. Melanie, always a fighter, refuses to give up. Instead, she tries to protect the humans she loves from Wanderer, lest a Seeker find them and make them into hosts for more parasites. But Melanie slips up and Wanderer gains knowledge of the existence of Jared, the man Melanie loves. Strangely though, Wanderer finds herself unable to completely separate her bodys desires from her own, and she begins to fall in love with this human shes never met. Soon, an annoyingly persistent Seeker unites Melanie and Wanderer, and they set off to find the man they both love.

I will admit that after reading the slightly disappointing Breaking Dawn, I was afraid that Stephenie Meyers writing had gone downhill, but after reading The Host, my faith was restored. Firstly, the idea behind this story, a science-fiction romance, was so unique that it immediately captured my interest. On top of that, the characters, especially Wanderer and Melanie, were so well developed that they actions were always easy to understand. Plus, the sense of desperation added in some action. I loved how everything fit together perfectly in the end, even thought that doesnt leave room for a sequel. The ending of the story, probably the last fifty pages or so, was my favorite part of this book, because that was when everything really came together; every character realized their importance and other conflicts were unexpectedly resolved. I dont think I couldve asked for a better story than this; it was all I was hoping for from the incredible author of Twilight and more.

I loved this story and recommend it to all readers, whether they be fans of Stephenie Meyer/science-fiction/romances or not. Length shouldnt be an issue either; those 600 pages really flew by. I suggest everyone find a copy of The Host so they can read this amazing story for themselves.

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