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3.3 1
Young Adult Fiction 228
The Guardian Angel #3: Salvation
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Not sure what your favorite supernatural beings are? Check out Salvation by Skyla Madi for a taste of goddesses, vampires and wizards, not to mention guardian angels. Looking for breakneck action and some pretty intense attraction? This is definitely the book for you.

Ruby and Eli have tried to put aside their feelings—and their bond—for each other and they were somewhat successful but Ruby has been called back to Sage Sanctum. Being around Eli again is only a piece of everything going on and survival of any of my favorite characters is not a given from one chapter to the next. Speaking of favorite characters, how could I not like a girl who’s both a goddess and a vampire? Eli definitely does not disappoint my “thing” for guardian angels and Lucian is a vampire you can love to hate but Hunter is the one that surprised me. He’s sort of the bad boy you know you should stay away from but you just can’t help yourself.

It all comes to a head in a confrontation that is exciting and resolves at least one issue and, if I have any quibbles with this particular scene, it’s that it happens too quickly and felt a bit rushed and anti-climactic. Even so, the author left me wanting more and that’s always a good way to end a book, isn’t it?

Salvation is one of those books that most readers will enjoy best if they read the series in order. I did not and, while I can’t say that was a mistake, I know I would have had a better handle on the characters and the core story if I had already read Your Guardian Angel and Sunkissed. I fully intend to rectify my error before the next book, Oblivion, comes out because Ms. Madi is one heck of a storyteller.
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