Review Detail

4.5 9
Young Adult Fiction 608
Great book for the time period
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Reader reviewed by Samantha Watt

I had to read this book for my APUSH( AP US History) sumer assigment.

After what my dad told me I thought it was going to be great, a guy who adopts some kids...boy did he tell me wrong.

This book was in a time, the past, where I have never understood the way their society was made up. I thought scoical classes were stupid, and the way Daisy acted.

She loved the little affiar she was having, but when it came time to choose, she wouldn't leave what she had just to be with someone she loved.

She was ditzy, and selfish, look at what Gatsby did for her! He let himself take the blame for a murder of her husband's mistress and ended up getting him killed.

Yet she did nothing, she didn't even go to his funeral. Women like her give women a bad name.

But this book was pretty good in itself.
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