Review Detail

4.0 19
Young Adult Fiction 899
Awesome Paranormal!!
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I have never really been into Greek Mythology, but this book really made me interested! I absolutely loved the mystery, myths, and history interwoven into this book. The world the author created was believable, yet magical. She took the myth of Hades and Persephone and created a new engrossing tale, which doesn’t require you to be a Greek Myth guru. The story is complicated, yet easy to follow.

When I read a book, it is essential for me to have some sort of connection with the protagonist. Kate was perfect! She has given up a good chunk of her life to take care of her mother. Once her mother’s care is out of her hands, it is exciting to see Kate find out who she is without the burden of worrying every moment about her mother’s well-being (although she can never really stop worrying). As Kate goes through these tests, she is never scared for her own life, she is constantly worried about the people she loves, and how her actions will affect them. To me this really makes Kate likable, as well as admirable.

Another thing that I loved about this book was that the author managed to surprise me! There were several things that happened throughout the book that I did not see coming. The reader often discovered secrets right along with Kate, which made me feel a stronger connection with her.

The next thing I read will be The Goddess Hunt (Goddess Test 1.5) and Goddess Interrupted (Goddess Test 2)!
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