Review Detail

4.0 19
Young Adult Fiction 903
New interpretation on the myth of Persephone...
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Aimee Carter is a debut author (and only 24 years old!) and her Goddess Test series is definitely one to watch for (planning on being a three book far; GODDESS INTERRUPTED will follow in February 2012).

To start with, I felt abashed that this book made me cry so easily! The book opens with protagonist Kate and a rundown of her role as caregiver for her dying mom. Carter's description of this heart-wrenching process is mature and well-written.

This book also pays homage to one of my favorite myths, the myth of Persephone. I've been in love with pomegranates ever since first reading this myth, but Kate feels different about the seeds. She also feels differently about the prospect of spending eternity with Hades (who is a hottie!), but I won’t give away whether she disdains or enjoys his company.

But I will say, there is one big twist at the end and of course, the ending of the novel has me reeling to read the next book in the series, GODDESS INTERRUPTED.
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