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4.1 8
Tired of vampires and werewolves? Try bloodthirsty robots
(Updated: June 23, 2012)
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Previously published on my blog:

I admit, when I first read that synopsis, I was scared. I was scared of just another fake novel that had the same plot and same characters and same everything (which just so happens to be like an outline for paranormal romances today). But then, what I got in return exceeded my expectations by far.

The Girl in the Steel Corset is a completely original novel with completely original characters and completely original plot and completely original romance. It’s so completely original that I adored the complete thing so completely.

First of all, our protagonist, Finley? Yeah, even though she’s battling this dark side of her, she’s amazingly nice and sweet at times (unlike her dark side, who throws a full-grown man across the room). And I love her sense of humor (on both sides, good and bad). She’s kick-butt when she’s in full dark-mode. (That’s how she threw the full-grown man across the room.) All these aspects make me love her (both sides).

And the romance? Oh, I’m definitely on Team Griffin. No offense to Jack Dandy, but even though Jack is such a sweet (and dangerous!) guy, Griffin is even more so (on both counts, I’d say). Griffin is unbelievably sweet to Finley (first saving her and then taking her into his household) and dangerous in that he’s pretty determined in finding his parents’ murderer. Not to mention trying to stop this guy from creating robots that are murdering people across the country.

I loved this plot. It kept me on edge constantly, wondering what was going to happen next. And that cliffhanger ending is definitely going to make me yearn for its sequel.

Fast-paced and constantly on edge, The Girl in the Steel Corset is a must for any reader tired of vampires and werewolves. I mean, why not try bloodthirsty robots?

Source: ARC/galley received from publisher for review
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November 09, 2013
I'm totally down for bloodthirsty robots. Why didn't someone tell me about them sooner?!2
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