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4.7 60
Young Adult Fiction 557
Hope you like crying and laughing in excessive amounts
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I am amazed and seriously jealous of Mr. Green's ability to conjurer emotions from letters on a page. This book struck me in a way that, honestly, no other book has. It is filled with raw, pure, undeniable and unconditional love. Mr. Green has away of sucking the reader it and holding them tight to a point where they have no choice but to finish the tale in one sitting. And that's what I did. Finish the book in a single sitting.
When you read this, because you will, have a box of tissues prepared. You get dragged into the story; you will laugh, cry, smile and feel all the emotions that the characters do. I have this bad habit of peeking at the ending, but with this one I forced myself not to. Why? I figured it would destroy the book for me. And it did. Just not the way I thought it would. I'm not describing this well at all.
This is one of those books that you can't get enough words out to convey the full and heartbreaking feelings that the book shoves at you.
I don't write in books. Ever. But I think I would in this book. There are just so many things that Gus and Hazel say that I want to remember forever. Forever. Sadly, this is a library book.
Mr. Green has easily made himself my favorite author of all time. With this one book. This is the first one I've read and I can promise promise you that this will most certainly not be my last.The way they all described things: Cancer Perks (signed basketballs, posters, concert tickets), Side effects of death (depression, cancer), Encouragements (without pain, we wouldn't know joy), Being a professor in the Department of Slightly Crooked Smiles, Swing sets of tears, Okay, Always, Hazel's response to Gus's fear of oblivion, Gus's response to Hazel's response to his fear of oblivion, The Way They Talk To Each Other, Metaphors(I have a new appreciation to them), spoiler alerts, An Imperial Affliction, The Price of Dawn, phone numbers written in books. (there are a lot more but I suspect you want me to move on)
Good Points
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