Review Detail

3.8 2
Young Adult Fiction 359
The End Games by T. Michael Martin
Overall rating
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I had so many thoughts on this book. It was so hard to come up with a review. I wanted so bad to love it, but I just didn't fall for it right away. I had so many things I loved about it but at the same time, some of those things were what I disliked.
For instance, the writing style was a bit weird. I had to get used to it and I admit it took a little longer than I expected. He seemed to talk to his self and have flashbacks and I had to stay on top of it or else I would lose myself. But in another way, I loved his writing because of the imagery. I could clearly see everything in my head as I read.
As for the characters, I really did like them. Michael was there the entire time to take care of his brother. He was an amazing big brother and I loved him for that fact alone. I have a sister who is autistic and I could definitely relate to the relationship they had.
What I didn't like about the book, was the villain and the "Bellows." They weren't "evil" enough. And towards the beginning the Bellows aren't really there. It seems that they did a lot of running from them, but not very much fighting of them. For this book to be 300 something pages, I was looking for guns firing and zombie slaying all around. I can't lie, I got a little bored after awhile.
The world building wasn't all that great to me either. There were some things that I wish had just a little more detail to them and there wasn't. I wanted to know about the setting as a whole, not just where they were at the time.
In short, this book sort of surprised me. I had super high hopes for it considering I don't really just LOVE zombies, but it just fell short for me. Even still, I would recommend this to others who love zombies because they might enjoy this a little more than I did.
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May 07, 2013
Its god to hear/review a book thats not entirely positive
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