Review Detail

4.0 12
Young Adult Fiction 415
Review: The Elite (The Selection #2)
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The Elite...


I'll try not to say any spoilers. The only spoilers that are here is in the spoilers section down at the bottom of the review.

(Love the quote "35 GIRLS CAME TO THE PALACE ONLY 6 REMAIN" on the cover. It's pure genius. Perfect and the truth.)

It was outstanding. I love the ups and downs of this book. The twists and turns were pure and awesome. To Kiera Cass: HURRY UP WITH THE LAST BOOK!!!!!!!!!!

The writing was good. It flows like a rushing river running down the terrain. I truly loved this book. Too bad I don't have a copy on my hands. I had to borrow from my friend. But when I go to a bookstore, I'll pick up my copy of this book. For all you unsatisfied people reading this post about The Elite, I would like to say that this book has a killer ending to it. You should NOT, I repeat, NOT read this book until the last book comes out. Then you have my blessing to read this book.

The cover... IT'S GORGEOUS. :'( I'll do anything to wear that dress. (But it isn't really my color. I don't do well with red.) Like the previous cover, this one follows suit. All red. (The Selection was all blue). Mirrors in the back. YEAH! Definitely following suit.

Ahh!!! The ending is the gripping sensation that killing my nation. (I put nation there because it's the only thing that would rhyme. And it is a tiny bit of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.) I love the ending. It is the killer.

In this book, one love triangle ends and another one begins. (Biggest Spoiler here)

Marlee! I feel so sorry for that girl. OMG! I was so shock by what happen to her. Why would she do that and how romantic! Ahh!

America... I like this girl. I love her courage and compassion. It's clear that most of the other characters love her too. She's smart when she isn't mad. She's easily jealous and wild. She is stuck in a love triangle and is easily confused by her feelings. It's hard to not feel sympathetic for her. She is one for fairness and rights and justice. She wants equality. She's the Frederick Douglass in the future time. Of course, these decisions were affected by a choice. And in turn, these choices will change the world.

Maxon... Ugh! It really does seem that the most awesomest boys in books really have a pattern. You'll see what I mean when I get to the spoilers part or when you read the book. Maxon is getting a little over his head in this book. (And those haters of Maxon? Give him a break! He deserves one. After all, he has been through a lot. Rebels and those girls! You can't blame him for wanting to do something crazy and mind shocking.)

Aspen... I don't like. And that's all you need to know. He reminds me what Johnny Depp has said.
“If you love two people at the same time, choose the second one. Because if you truly loved the first one, you wouldn't love another. There are four questions of value in life… What is sacred? Of what is the spirit made? What is worth living for, and what is worth dying for? The answer to each is the same. Only love.” -Johnny Depp
King Clarkson makes a huge appearance at the end of the book. I won't tell you what happened exactly, but let's just say he makes a big impression. I don't like this guy. Just NO! I thought that the relationship between him and his son was bad, but I never thought--no dream--it was like that.

The rebels. Yes! They do appear. Not once. Not twice. But even more than that. And you'll find them, I'll say, interesting. Hints are in the spoiler section of this review. :)

Celeste is evil. I hate her. That's all you need to know. She is ten times the witch before. You will see what I mean.

I hate Kriss. I mean, she's sweet and everything, but I just don't like her. I think she is just too soft and all meat. No backbone. No armor.

Let's get to the spoilers, shall we? IF YOU DON'T WANT THE SPOILERS, SKIP THIS SECTION.


1) Maxon is abused by his Father, King Clarkson.
2) The rebels are after the diary of the first king.
3) America is supported by the Italians. They love her. They support her. (I hope she does get rid of the castes, but that is just my opinion, so just ignore this.)
4) America eventually chooses to take the crown. To fight for it, I mean.
5) Maxon is caught making out with Celeste.
6) Maxon might choose Kriss.
7) Marlee is gone. She was caught with Officer what's-his-name-and-I-believe-it-is-Waterlow-though-I-am-just-not-sure. They are eights now.
8) Maxon saves Marlee and the ex-Officer. They live in the kitchens of the palace.
9) Maxon's only pick is America. Kriss is "safe."
10) Kriss is in love with Maxon.
11) The rebels are after books.
12) King Clarkson officially hates America. And he will do anything to bring her down. I mean, remove her from the Selection.
13) Maxon and America share a tender/heart to heart moment.

End Spoiler

This book is as awesome as The Selection. My rating is five out of five for the legendary plot and feelings. *Sniff* Genius!
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