Review Detail

4.1 22
Young Adult Fiction 144
Soccer Fanatic
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Reader reviewed by stellargurl

this book is called tangerine andf fromt eh cover of the book you can easily tell that it has nothing to do wiht tangerines. paul fisher and his family just moved to tangerice county in florida from texas. paul feels that each of them ahve a big part to play in the move. paul's brother erik is a big football start and his father is right thre beside of him wiht teh erik fisher football dream. paul's mom become the head of the womens association thin in their neighborhood. paul plays soccer, he is a great goalie but becasue of his glasses, he is not allowed to play on teh team at lake windsor midle school. when a sinkhole occurs, paul moves to tangerine middle school where he play soccer for the war eagles.

this si a great book that i wuould recomend to all middle school's hard to get into it at first but once you've reached part 2, it become a page turner.
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