Review Detail

3.7 2
Young Adult Fiction 467
Kagawa does it again!
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First of all let me just say that I would read anything Julie Kagawa writes. I mean anything. I have fallen in love with all her previous series, so I was super pumped to read this new series! And it's about dragons. Dragons? Yes, dragons. And it is awesome.

What I loved:

Ember. Ms. Kagawa writes some amazing female leads, and Ember is no exception. She is head strong, loyal, brave, fights for what she believes in and she's a dragon. A dragon!

Garret. It's no secret that a few of Ms. Kagawa's previous book boys are some of my favorites and I can totally now put Garret right up there with them. He is tough, strong, yet we get to see a softer side of him in this book and I love it!

Riley. Okay, I'm not one for the love triangle, but *swoon*. Riley is a fellow dragon, a rogue dragon at that. I loved his character so much because you think he's a bad "boy" to begin with, but then you realize he's just trying to do what he thinks is right.

I really loved the character building in this book. Honestly, there wasn't a whole lot of world building. We only get to meet a few dragons, and some humans. I do feel like this was needed though because hopefully in following books we will have more world building, and even get to see Talon?! I hope so!

What left me wanting more:

As in true Julie Kagawa fashion, she leaves us hanging. Now I have to wait a full year for the next book. *le sigh* However, the book runs at a pretty good pace, I wasn't bored at all, so that's good. And since I've read her work before, I was prepared for the ending.

As I mentioned above, I really want more world building. Hopefully we can see more of the dragon world in the next book!

Overall a stellar first book of a new series. I love Julie Kagawa. I'm a total fangirl of hers and I can't wait to read what she has in store next!
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