Review Detail

3.8 3
Young Adult Fiction 295
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Taken has been one of my most anticipated books for ages. Everything about it drew me in - from the synopsis to the title to the stunning cover - everything about this one just demands to be read. And it does not disappoint in the least. As one of the best debuts of the year, Taken is a book you will be sad to miss! There is the perfect amount of intrigue and mystery, to compliment a little romance and just some overall badassness to go with it.

Taken is brilliant, simply brilliant. I have so much love for this book and am absolutely dying to see where the story will go in Frozen. There was the perfect amount of mystery and intrigue with the storyline. I never could tell what was coming and I loved that unpredictability. Things are INTENSE and there is so many action packed scenes. The whole idea beyond the plot - just really impressive. Taken is a multifaceted plot that just shines with its brilliance.

I love Emma. Love love love her. YA needs more characters like her. She is so strong and just utterly fantastic for most of the book. The entire cast of characters is enticing from the get go, and I fell more in love with all the characters with every page.

There was one decision near the end of the book that just seemed so out of place. And so out of character for the character who made this decision and that was the one element that kept me from absolutely falling in love with Taken. Seeing Emma waver from the immensely strong women she was for the majority of the book was hard and I couldn't quite move past it. I was just so put off by it. This was literally the only thing I didn't abso-freaking-lutely love about Taken.

The ending is intense - Erin Bowman has raised the stakes to an even higher point, and I cannot wait to see how things will play out in Frozen! Frankly, its release date cannot come soon enough.

Taken is beautifully written - the words weave such a tale, and it is easily one of my all time favorites.

As one of the best books of the year, Taken is a debut that will be sure to stun readers. Fast paced and enticing, its characters will charm you until the very last page.
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