Review Detail

3.5 4
Young Adult Fiction 159
Interesting, but could've been better
Overall rating
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Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
Reader reviewed by the book muncher

Claire Martin leads a pretty regular life in the resort town Sandyland. She loves hanging out with her best friend Beanie and spending as much time as possible in the water, not to mention lusting after the hottest guy on the swim team, Nate. Theres only one thing that sets her way apart from other girls: when Claire gets too close to lightning or another electrical charge, her spirit will switch from her body to the body of the nearest girl born under the same moon. Usually, the switch is fast and Claire is back in her own body by the next morning. But when Claire accidentally switches into the body of a beautiful summer resident named Larissa, Claire finds herself reluctant to return to her old life; after all, her crush Nate is rather interested in Larissa. But after waking up the next morning still in this beautiful strangers body, Claire starts to wonder if shes stuck as Larissa for good.

Switch is a fast-paced and interesting story. Though the idea of switching bodies may have been borrowed from Freaky Friday, it still made for a good story. Plus the fact that Claire couldnt control when she switched or who she switched with was entirely unique. Sometimes, though, the characters were a little confusing. The flashes you get of Claires background dont completely add up, Larissa change from being extremely snotty to nice isnt thoroughly explained, and Claires grandmother Evelyn was always strange and mysterious. The moral of the story did seem to be taken directly from Freaky Friday, but I didnt really mind it that much. However, I wasnt left with a sense of understanding at the end; sure, Claire got that she should appreciate everything she had in her life, but the ending seemed a little cut off. Im not saying that Switch was a bad story; it just couldve been better.

I wasnt completely taken with this story, but I did enjoy the plot. If you liked the novel and/or movie Freaky Friday, you will probably like reading Switch.

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