Review Detail

4.6 37
Young Adult Fiction 232
An Incredible Ending
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Reader reviewed by the book muncher

Tally has undergone yet another operation, and now she is a superhuman fighting machine, a Special. With her best friend Shay, she is a Cutter, and everything needs to icy sharp, because its better that way.

She and the Cutters are up against a new enemy: the Smokies. They are the teens who live out in the wild and smuggle nanos into to Uglies about to undergo the operation. This is dangerous because nanos can completely destroy the brain. But just because they are Specials doesnt mean they are foolproof; the Smokies manage to trick them, capturing Shay and another Cutter. Things are heating up. Tally is slightly repulsed by Zane, whos been permanently damaged by nanos, and meets David again.

I thought that Specials was an amazing ending to an amazing series. I could feel myself slip into Tallys character a lot, and the ending was surprising, but still incredible. I highly recommend this series to everyone, because I loved it so much.
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