Review Detail

5.0 1
Young Adult Fiction 162
Not To Be Judged By Its Cover
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Reader reviewed by Mairi

Amergin is a Gael, but he has never seen his homeland- his father is a wanderer who married and fathered his sons far from Gaelica. From a young age, Amergin relishes the learning of Greece, Rome, and Egypt. He is an accomplished singer who, when a tragedy finally drives his father to return home, finds Gaelica too small.

This is a good book and, all while I was reading it, I was thanking my lucky stars that I had all ready enjoyed the author's other books. You see, Song of Ireland has such a hideous cover that under any other circumstances I would not have wanted to be caught looking at it, much less reading it. Even knowing how wonderful it was, I kept it on my nightstand face down.

To summarize: despite the windblown man and woman on the cover, romance plays a very small part in this book.
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