Review Detail

4.0 2
Young Adult Fiction 401
Sometimes It Happens
Overall rating
Writing Style
Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
What made me keep turning the page?

The witty humor
They way the story was pieced together...The time frame switched between the events of the summer leading up to the first day of school, and the actual first day of school when everything all came to a head
The way the author made you still love Hannah even though she was in the wrong

Some of My Favorite Quotes:

"...and I felt like I was actually doing something instead of being completely unproductive and consuming my weight in ice cream (which, let's be honest, was only going to get harder and harder as my weight went up.)"
"I grab another magazine and start to read angrily. Well I'm not sure you can really read angrily. But you can make it clear that you're upset by sighing a lot and ruffling the pages. Which is what I'm doing now."

Any complaints?



YA contemporary fans

Final Thoughts…
Given the premise of this book I wasn't sure I would like it: Girl cheats with best friend's boyfriend - been there read that. However, I was pleasantly surprised. I never got bored with the story because the time frame of the story was always changing, and not in a confusing way. Despite the fact that you can feel Hannah getting ready to make a terrible mistake, you still find yourself cheering for her. This book shows that things are usually not just one person's fault, and everyone makes mistakes or "Sometimes It Happens". This was a great quick summer read.
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