Review Detail

3.8 4
Young Adult Fiction 160
Jocks, Brains, and Hotties
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Reader reviewed by Minerva V.

Ok. We've all heard this story athlete falls in love with star athlete, star athelete not doing hot in math, star athlete needs a tutor, tutor is actually a really cute, cocky guy with a girlfriend.  So, what happens?  Well, you don't need math to figure it out.  But, I loved this book.  It's the YA kind of book teenage girls love to read (not to mention anybody else who is still young at heart and remembers what a high school crush and romances feels like).  One of the things I really enjoy about the novel is the voice of Natalie Page.  She is authentic in showing what it feels like to work your way to appreciated status in the high school bureacracy of cliques.  Jocks have standards, the brainiacs have standards, but isn't wonderful when the two can sort of mesh?  Well, without giving away the ending, you will surely enjoy and reread all the tense, fresh, flirtatious conversation between Natalie and her fake boyfriend, Matt--the supersmart boy who easily grows on any girl with his confidence and cuteability.  Smart Boys & Fast Girls make a great team.
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