Review Detail

4.7 16
Young Adult Fiction 664
Sensational Sequel of Epic Proportion
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A book I didn't want to put down. It is very rare that I fall in love with a sequel. I enjoyed Cinder and loved the retelling of a the Cinderella fairytale. However, Scarlet takes my breath away. It flawlessly combines two fairy tales into one brilliantly structured plot. The Lunar Chronicles has official become my favorite new must read series!

Why is it even better than Cinder? Scarlet is faster paced and the constantly shifting points of view - Scarlet's, Cinder's and Emperor Kai's- ramp up the tension and suspense. Together the two books make an awesome beginning to the series.

Meyer does not leave her loyal readers in the dark. Scarlet answers a lot of the questions left in Cinder. But Meyer keeps up the momentum -Scarlet is filled with turns and surprises that will make readers question everything they discovered not only in Cinder, but what unravels in Scarlet as well.

The best parts of Scarlet? -Too many to list without giving away the plot line. However, Scarlet Benoit, phenomenal and fierce, brings an entirely new dimension to the story. She is immediately a lovable and admirable character; one you can't help but rout for. Cinder, the main protagonist, is still coming into her own as she continues to discover pieces of her past. Each voice is distinct and the narrations are clearly different. I am often hesitant and skeptical of multiple perspectives. In my personal experience, this type of narration is either done well or awkwardly in some novels, taking away from the plot. The way Marissa Meyer intertwines each voice is absolutely mind blowing. I would say possibly the best multiple narrations I have read.

What's not to like? Readers will find themselves wanting to grab the next book- but we will all have to patiently wait for book 3. But the anticipation of the next book always makes reading worth while.

This is a great read for fans of Cinder and for those who like fractured fairy tales and strong female counterparts, and some unusual world-building.
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