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5.0 1
Young Adult Fiction 272
And the suspenseful riveting story continues!
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And the riveting story continues!!!
I don't want to say too much, because I'm afraid I may slip with spoilers - but I promise, this is totally spoiler free!!!...

This time, Clara Kensie brings on the swoon and romance between Tessa and Tristan.
We get to see Tessa relax and be more of herself around Tristan. She is smart and determined to finally try to let some of the past go and enjoy her life, finally.

But can Tessa really trust Tristan?
And, it seems that Tristan has a few skeletons in his closet too!!!

The suspense is unbelievable!
And unpredictable!

I really didn't see the cliffhanger ending to this one coming at all! It was a really good slap to the face! But it had to happen! And I am so thrilled with the story twisted with all of these surprises and where it ended up! The suspense is killing me!!!

You will definitely not be able to stop here! The third part is needed instantly! Don't wait!!!
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