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2.5 107
Young Adult Fiction 1094
my review of Remembering the Good Times
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Reader reviewed by Miranda

Miranda Schwanke

In this book Remembering the Good Times, I have an opinion on many things. But over all I would have to say that Remembering the Good Times is an amazing book.
Remembering the Good Times helps me remember my good and some what bad times, and how a death of a loved one in my family changed my life. It also opened my eyes to how easy it is to miss the warning signs of a loved one about to take his or hers own life.
This book also showed me that we may not know our friends or even our own family as they sink lower into depression. And even how there are people out there who are willing to do anything to keep there loved ones safe. Just like on page 118 paragraph 5
Even when Trav died made me think of all the people out there that are dong or thinking about doing the same thing! Plus when Kate showed buck the peach garden I started thinking about some special place where I would go just to be alone sometimes.
Anyway reading Remembering the Good Times has the truth on just about some of the most important things in life. Even when I was done reading Remembering the Good Times I was still asking myself, do I really know my best friend or any of my fiends for that matter? How about my family do I really know anything about how a family member feels as well as I think I know them? It all goes to show that someone we know and love may be the next one to take their own life.
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