Review Detail

4.0 3
Young Adult Fiction 156
Relic made me fall in love with the Wild West!
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You would not think at first that magic and the Wild West would work well together but Renee perfectly combined these two aspects! This alternate type world was just sooo amazing! Like I'm just totally in awe of it! (At this point my review starts to sound like I didn't like Relic as much as I did but the magic relics and interesting story line make up for these annoyances) However unfortunately I did have some trouble with the MC Maggie. I kind of alternated between getting her and not, especially when she gets taken to the Hacienda. ***KIND OF SPOILERY*** How could she just forget about the Apaches that were going to be hanged! Just because she lives in a nice fancy place now is no excuse and I was really glad Landon told her so! ***SPOILER OVER*** but other then that I mostly got along with her. I would have loved a bit more sisterly love. Hopefully there will be a prequel novella with just a normal day on her farm before the fires. Now about Landon! (he's a cowboy staying in town for a couple of weeks and the main love interest) I didn't immediately take to him and actually was hoping for Yahn to end up with Maggie. He was so sweet and good and in the first chapters he literally saved her and her younger sisters life! But no, Landon seems to be the one who will end up with her. I was ok with Landon for the most part up until a specific moment ***DEFINITELY A SPOILER*** he was caught with lipstick on his face and a girl on his arm. ***END OF SPOILER*** and I am just not okay with that! He said he only did it because he was upset with Maggie about a fight and that but that mostly felt like it was just an excuse to me. ***MORE SPOILERS***Also I knew it was going to turn out he didn't die. I knew from when I first read about the fire in Green Springs, just knew it. *** END OF SPOIL*** I was surprised by who turned out to be the one burning the towns, so that was really nice. And there had better be a sequel cause I got to know what happens with the really bad guy and I want more of the magical wild west!
Good Points
absolutely amazing unique setting and world
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