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3.5 4
Young Adult Fiction 383
Hobbitsies Reviews: Fresh air to the dystopian/sci-fi genres
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Alright, I really, really liked Reboot by Amy Tintera. I thought the concept was super awesome and Amy's storytelling skills are superb. I was just totally sucked in. I am a slow reader lately (sigh), but Reboot was one that I just had to finish the same day I picked it up.

I enjoyed both the story and the characters in Reboot. I thought Wren was a badass and I really enjoyed her character progression in Reboot. I loved seeing the process of her slowly starting to gain humanity and seeing the way it screwed with her head at first. It's amazing that we have a character like Wren who is so strong and cold and brutal, but then also we can also really relate to her because who doesn't remember their first awkward and strange crush?

I also really liked Callum and Wren's best friend. They were great characters and I thought Amy did a great job creating their characters and making their personalities pop. Callum didn't quite make my favourite love interests of all time list, but I have a feeling with the second or third book, it may be possible. He is kind of adorable.

And the storyline in Reboot - loved it. I loved reading about the future in Reboot and all the gruesome things people are going through. I'm a sucker for rebellion stories, and Reboot is no exception.

I thought the ending was pretty much perfect - just enough to leave me feeling content, but still dying for the next book.

You guys, I definitely recommend Reboot by Amy Tintera. It's a solid and enjoyable story - definitely a bit of fresh air to the dystopian/sci-fi genre. The story will suck you in and the characters will keep you there. Amy Tintera presents a fantastic debut with Reboot and I absolutely can't wait to get my hands on the second book in this series!
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