Review Detail

4.5 26
Young Adult Fiction 1139
A fantastic page-turner you'll want to read again & again
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OMG! Where do I even begin to express my love for this book?! Epically awesome, brillant writing, intriguing characters, and a unique plot – Katie McGarry shines in this debut novel. I swear, after I finished reading this, I immediately wanted to re-read it right away, and that almost NEVER happens! I was hooked from the very first page and couldn’t put this down until I was done. Pushing the Limits might just be the best book I’ve read this year so far.

Things start off very normal, two teens in high school who are forced to cross paths and share lives, although it also begins with a mystery that piques your interest and drives the whole story until the very end. Still you don’t think it’s going to be as deep and emotional as it is until you start reading more and you see just how intense this story is. Echo’s story is definitely unique and tragic, and I love that Katie made her forget most of it, having to figure out what happened to her throughout this book, because it connects the reader to the character, as if they’re both experiencing this for the first time.

And the characters?! I loved them all, even the ones I hated! Echo is such an amazing character, confused and troubled, yet strong and determined. She’s had to deal with some pretty crazy stuff in her life and those scars on her arms – I don’t know how I would be able to handle it. Plus, I love how unique her name is! Oh, and Noah?! Oh boy, don’t even get me started on how much I swooned for that boy. He’s a bad boy alright – ridiculously handsome, charming, and definitely knows all the right moves. He’s also sweet and caring, and has a crazy past of his own that is so touching, you can’t help but want to hug the guy! Besides them, my favorite character would have to be Mrs. Collins, their guidance counselor/psychiatrist. She is so hilarious, especially with a car, and is such a genuinely a nice person.

There was seriously never a dull moment in this book and I read and devoured every line, every word in this book.

Completely mesmerizing and unforgettable! If there’s one book you’ll want to read this year, it’s Pushing the Limits.
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