Review Detail

4.2 2
Young Adult Fiction 271
My favorite romance of all time!
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Honestly, for me, it doesn't get any better than Pride and Prejudice. The story line is stellar. The Bennet sisters, Mr. Darcy (Mr. Darcy!), The Bingleys, the dances... Seriously, I love love this book.

The only thing I had a bit of a problem with is the language, and that's probably mostly true for most people. Sometimes it's hard to understand what the characters are talking about since it's 1800's England. However, if you just keep reading it gets easier, and you can figure out what is going on fairly easily.

I adore Mr. Darcy. He is my all time favorite male lead. He may be stubborn and come across as a jerk at first, but oh my goodness, what a romantic, passionate man! Elizabeth is so lucky. I love their story line. The ups, downs, the romance, the glances, everything. I just cannot get enough of this story. Even though the story revolves around Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy, there are plenty of sub plots happening as well. And the book does a great job of helping us learn about England and it's social status back in the day. Something that we don't really have today (not in the same way anyway).

If you have not read this book, get it. You have to try it out, you need to read it!
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