Review Detail

4.5 17
Young Adult Fiction 234
One of my favorites!
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Reader reviewed by Harmony

This was the first Elizabeth Scott novel I read and even after reading a few more, it remains to be my favorite.

When you start it, chances are it will seem like any other teen novel. But once you get past the first chapter or so, it becomes one of the most realistic books out there. I was blown away by the characterization. Kates grandma is my current favorite grandma in teen novels and her parents were slightly abusurd but realistic. Her brother also made me giggle on a few occassions.

Then we have the main three Kate, Will, and Kates ex-friend Anna. I dont want to give too much away but lets say that I could easily relate to what Kate was dealing with, with Anna and I really wanted to slap Anna. Oh, and I have the biggest crush on Will possible.

The romance that developed was sweet and heartbreaking and perfect at the same time. Will was so sweet (hence, my crush) but not so perfect that he didnt act like a normal guy. I could completely see myself acting the same way as Kate did too.

Overall, this book is just one of those books that Im shoving in all my friends faces and going READ THIS. I absolutely adore it and I recommend it to absolutely everyone. Perfect summer read with substance!

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