Review Detail

I Gotta Go Back in Time
(Updated: February 14, 2016)
If you a Rick Riordan fan, you will simply fall in love with The Legend of Sam Miracle. N.D Wilson creates a gripping story about time travel and the Old West. The book is filled with magical, time travel, and evil villains.

Sam isn’t your typical hero. He is scatterbrained and day dreams. He forgets a lot. But quickly readers discover not all is as it seems. With Glory and Father Tiempo by his side, Sam believes anything is possible. But a lot can go wrong when you time travel. It is up to our heroes to hopefully save the day… this time maybe?

N.D. Wilson does a fantastic job world building. At times it feels like you are right in the pages with the Sam and Glory. The suspense builds from page to page, making it an easy read. The chapters vary in length but would not seem to overwhelming for a beginning reader. Wilson does a great job brining the characters to life and having a movie like quality to the pacing.

Outlaws of Time: The Legend of Sam Miracle is a fun and exciting read that middle school children will really enjoy. N.D. Wilson lays the groundwork for future installments of this series which I cannot wait to read.

This is one of best time travel books of the year. Highly recommended for middle grade readers.
Good Points
Who doesn't love a great time travel book!
Loveable characters
Hope for more installments!
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