Review Detail

3.5 7
Young Adult Fiction 259
Nobody But Us
Overall rating
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This book started fine, things started to happen straight away. The plot line was different from most books. The way it switched between Will and Zoes’ perspective, kept me entertained. The characters were raw and heart wrenching. You really wanted for them to have that happy ending, but they didn’t and that really ruined it for me. I just don’t want to read a book were it ends like that. I JUST DON’T. I have nothing against a good cry however that went over into bad crying territory. When I finished I kept thinking over and over HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN!?!? WHY WOULD KRISTIN HALBROOK LET THE STORY END LIKE THIS!?!? So if you don’t mind a tragic ending then you’ll probably like this but if not BE WARNED.
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