Review Detail

5.0 2
Young Adult Fiction 276
Villains and superheroes, oh my!
Overall rating
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Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
Oh my gosh!!!!!!! This is the cutest graphic novel I have read in a long time! Cute and entertaining and frightening and engaging. I was fully immersed in this unique tale, and never wanted it to end. Does anyone know if there will be a second book? Or something else written in this world? I would read the hell out of it.

Nimona is a gem. I honestly had no idea what I was getting into when I started reading this book – for some reason I thought it was a medieval graphic novel about kings, and it sort of is. But it’s also about superheroes, dragons, magic fused with science, shapeshifters, and villains vs. heroes. In one word: amazing.

The characters were adorable and feisty, especially Nimona. I also loved the insinuated relationship between Ballister Blackheart and Ambrosius Goldenlion. The artwork was insanely beautiful: very colourful and bright, and just so alluring. The humour was fantastic too – I was literally laughing at every page.

Nimona definitely held up to the hype surrounding it. So do yourselves a favour, and check it out!
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