Review Detail

4.2 125
Young Adult Fiction 686
Thrilling Sequel to Twilight!
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Reader reviewed by Suzanne

The thrilling sequel to Twilight brings all that and more! After Bella's disasterous birthday party, Edward leaves and promises to never come back. Bella breaks down, and thinks that she's lost her life. But after a few dangerous accidents, Bella figures out that if she does something reckless and stupid, she can hear the perfect, angelic voice. So she buys some motorcycles and heads over to her friend Jacob's house to see if he can fix them. While he's working on the motorcycles, they slowly become closer until,Bella can't be away from him. All of a sudden Jacob ignores her and Bella cant handle someone else deserting her,and forces Jacob to tell her the truth. But it seems like Bella can't stay away from trouble(even if she wanted to) and everyone in Forks is jeopardized in a horror that can't be stopped. After a silly cliffdive into the lake, and an almost-death, Edwards beloved sister Alice, comes to see if Bella is alright, and then everything goes haywire. Rumors fly and now Edward is trying to kill himself(which in nearly impossible). It's up to Bella and Alice to get to Edward before it's too late.
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