Review Detail

4.5 52
Young Adult Fiction 270
One of my favorites
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I'll admit The Truth About Forever was the first Sarah Dessen book I ever read, but Just Listen was the book that made me want to read the others.

I borrowed Just Listen from my friend knowing I had one week to finish it. At first I thought I would never finish it, there were just too many excuses to find: I had school work, chores, sleep, dance practice, etc. But, that night I picked it up and that was a mistake.

Sometimes you find those books that are worth missing sleep over. You know, the kind where you read two pages and YOU KNOW you'll be spending the night with your book. I finished that book around two or three am, and then told my friend I wasn't done the next day, and reread it.

Just Listen will always remain one of my favorites. I don't want to give anything away, because that's how I went into it, and I think that's why I enjoyed it so much. I didn't have a clue what was going to happen, because I didn't even read the back. I just read it.

I highly recommend this to Sarah Dessen fans, or just anybody who wants to read a good book that will have you remembering it years later. Be warned, though, you will cry and laugh at random moments, so maybe don't read it in too public places.
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