Review Detail

Young Adult Fiction 219
Timely Young Adult Novel
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Claire and her twin sister, Poppy, are ‘internet famous’. Every part of their lives have been blogged, photographed, and recorded by their fashion blogger mom. Claire begins to doubt her future on the internet while Poppy loves the limelight. The addition of a new boy in class helps push Claire to spread her wings and want more for her life.

The topic of this book is very timely. When I was growing up there was no YouTube, social medial, or email. There was no pressure to keep up on the latest internet trends and there was no such thing as being ‘internet famous.’ In todays world there are many people who are popular internet celebrities. Their accessibility to the public makes their fans believe that they know them. This can lead many young internet personalities to really lose a sense of themselves. This is what happens to Clair in ‘Just for Clicks.’ Her mother and sister pressure her to continue in the public spotlight (their livelihood depends on it) even when Claire is not comfortable with it. McDowell really shows the reasons why Claire doesn’t like this lifestyle but why she keeps vlogging and blogging anyway. The author also demonstrates how imperative clicks, views, impressions, subscribers, and comments are to anyone with an on-line presence.

I really did love Claire and her relationship with Rafael. Their friendship and romance really took my breath away and I was totally smitten with Raphael myself.

I think Claire is a very human character. She began as very nervous and self-conscious and turned into a whole new self-assured person. The only character that I am not totally sure I liked is Ashley, Poppy and Claire’s mom. Her behavior both inside their ‘brand’ and in their family life was very questionable. She seemed to disregard Claire’s feelings and definitely favored Poppy. I know this is an important point of the storyline but her constant disregard for Claire did bother me at times.

I am so happy to have read, ‘Just for Clicks’. What seems to be a lighthearted story about ‘internet famous’ twin sisters is so much for then that. It is an important topic that I wish was approached more in YA. ‘Just for Clicks’, is a totally sweet romance while still being so much more.

*Side note-I totally loved Claire’s internet friend, Signofthetimes.
Good Points
Awesome Subject
Lovely Characters
Slow-burn romance
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