Review Detail

Kids Nonfiction 307
Enjoying this book is elementary my dear reader.
Overall rating
Writing Style
Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
Learning Value
I have never had so much fun with a kids book before! How To Be A Detective starts off with a letter from the Investigator Extraordinaire himself, Sherlock Holmes and is jammed packed full of cool stuff! A packet with all of the tools a good detective needs is attached, including an ink pad and a kit to make your very own periscope.

In a, "lift the flaps" style, the reader uncovers clues, tips and other helpful information like how to dust for fingerprints, footprints and even lip prints. Learning to read handwriting samples and picking up on body language clues are just a few of the aspects of the crime scene investigation process covered. There's also a dictionary to help the reader understand important detective words like, "alibi", "case" and "forensics".

So, is this really is a great book that provides hours of entertainment and learning opportunities for both child and adult? Why,"It's Elementary my dear Watson."
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