Review Detail

4.6 6
Young Adult Fiction 468
How My Summer Went Up in Flames by Jennifer Salvato Doktorski
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Ever since I read the title and saw the cover I knew I wanted to read this book! I admit I was a little hesitant because I had found out it was a road trip novel, but I decided to give it a shot. (In case you didn't know, I don't normally like road trip novels because they just seem to be in the car and not have much happening...)
But now I'm in a dilemma... If I decide to read another road trip book and its not as good as this one, I'm not sure I'll ever be a real fan of road trip books. That's really just how good this book was. Doktorski brought these characters to life during their trip and with every turn of the page I was looking forward to the adventures they had while making their way across the country.
One of my favorite things from the novel though, was the fact that it centered around a break up instead of a newly budding romance. I haven't read many books like this, and it was actually refreshing to see crazy Rosie develop into mature and smarter Rosie. Which in turn brings me to the one thing I didn't like about the book. The "OMG my life is over after this break up" turn she took after they broke up. Granted there probably wouldn't be a story without it, but I was definitely glad when she grew up and forgot all about him.
Another thing I really loved was the laugh out loud humor. There were so many times I got the stink eye from my boyfriend from just randomly bursting out in laughter because of Rosie's snarkiness. Her attitude along with Matty's was the reason I enjoyed the trip so much. With them there was never a dull moment.
Lastly, I know I've loved a book when I loved all its supporting characters as much as its main character. Everyone from Matty to Avery to Logan to Spencer, right on down to Pony. I developed a connection with them all and I hated for the story to end.
Doktorski's debut novel is seriously a laugh out loud , very sweet, coming of age novel. Definitely a must read for everyone as looking for a romantic summer read.
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July 01, 2013
I've heard some pretty meh reviews about this one, but maybe I should rethink it. Good review :]
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