Review Detail

4.7 2
Young Adult Fiction 188
Gritty but honest portrayal
Overall rating
Writing Style
Illustrations/Photos (if applicable)
I would not be able to hand this book to my thirteen-year-old son, as much as I would like to, in part because of the language. But I believe that high school aged kids would be fine with the content; it's no worse than what they hear on the bus. The book also had a few scenes that made me cringe, but again, not because they were inappropriate or unrealistic, so I don't mean that a a negative. I just mean that this is probably not an appropriate read for a middle grade audience in case someone was deliberating whether to buy for younger readers. Lastly, I believe the affected character behaved very much like many other young veterans based on my own experience. I feel the author was fair and honest in his portrayal of not only the veteran but of his family members and spouse. Well done, Steve Watkins, and thank you for giving us a book that a certain audience needed.
Good Points
I'm so glad the author wrote about a family (actually two families) dealing with a returning soldier with PTSD. So many people right now are dealing with this same issue (like my own family) and it means a lot to be able to read something one can relate to. There just aren't enough YA books that deal with this tough issue.
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