Review Detail

4.4 8
Young Adult Fiction 325
Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?
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I really don't know if my words will be able to do this book justice but I will give it a try. Golden is a beautifully written story about taking chances and finding out what we want in life. The characters in this book are so easy to relate to. I think that many high school students will really be able to take some great lessons away from this novel.

Parker Frost is 17 years old and always does what is expected of her. Her mother is controlling and so hard on her. She puts insane amounts of pressure on her to succeed. But when Parker comes across the journal of a local girl who disappeared with her boyfriend 10 years ago all Parker wants to do is find out what really happened to her. She enlists her best friend Kat and her longtime crush Trevor to go with her on a road trip and follow the clues she has put together from reading Julianna's journal.

I wouldn't really call this book a mystery but it did have a bit of a mystery quality to it. I loved seeing Parker put together all clues and thoughts from Julianna. Parker is really someone who follows the rules and does what is expected of her. She does what her mothers wants and never seems to do anything for herself. She ends up so wrapped in the mystery of this journal and becomes so passionate about finding out what really happened. I loved seeing this side of her. Her mom irritated me I could not believe how much pressure was put on Parker. I wanted to cheer when Parker finally decided to do something she wanted even if it was a bit reluctantly.

This book was the perfect read for me as I am a huge fan of love stories. There were love stories galore. From Julianna and Shane's relationship to Parker's crush on Trevor to the mystery guy Julianna writes about in her journal. They were all such sweet relationships. Even though there are so many relationships in this book they were not the main focus and this was nice to see.

Golden is a book about finding out what you really want in life. In fact there is a quote that is used throughout this book that asks just that.

"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" - Mary Oliver
This is a book that shows us it is okay to take chances and go after what we really want. We don't always have to do what will make others happy. What we need to do is what will make ourselves happy. I highly suggest that you pick up Golden. It is full of mystery, romance and life lessons.
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June 16, 2013
sounds amazing
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