Review Detail

5.0 3
Young Adult Fiction 702
Fast paced once it gets going!
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I am going to be honest up front here. I started this book a few weeks back and put it down after the first few chapters because I was a bit confused and wasn't sure where this book was going. I picked it back up the other day though, and once I got past those first few pages, I was hooked. So, if you're stuck on the first couple of chapters, just keep going. It picks up, I promise!

What I liked:

Tella. Her quick wit and fun personality had me snorting out loud a few times. Even in tense situations she had a way of making the mood a bit lighter. She is devoted to her family, although it's hard to really get into her character at first because shes' a bit of a whiner. I think the more I read, the more I loved her character. At first though, I wasn't sure where Victoria Scott was going with her character and I was a bit confused. I loved her relationship with her pandora, Madox. Which leads me to my next point:

Pandoras. Oh my goodness. I want one. No really, can I have one please? I loved this twist in the story and thought it was really interesting to see all the different types of pandoras. I will say I was thoroughly confused when everyone was racing for the eggs, but once you find out way, it totally makes sense. And I really adore Madox. Gah.

Guy. The first time we meet Guy, we get a sense that he is a "nice" guy. Throughout the book we get to see his strength, vulnerability, his softer side, and his tough side. I enjoyed how Tella cracks his shell and really loved the mystery of him.

Secondary characters. I fell in love with so many characters in this book. I'm kind of anxious to see in which direction they all head in the next book in the series.

What left me wanting more:

Like other reviewers are saying, this book did feel really similar to The Hunger Games trilogy. I hate to compare it to other books, I really do, but honestly it did. Don't get me wrong, it has differences, but there are some pretty blatant similarities. Once you get past those though, it's easy to get into the book.

Like I mentioned earlier, the book is pretty confusing at first. It feels like there should be a prequel.

Overall I'm so glad I read this book and really enjoyed it! I will be picking up the next book for sure!
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