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5.0 3
Young Adult Fiction 313
My Personal Favourite.
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Reader reviewed by Amy

Now i am a big reader, i am only fifteen but i have quite a collection of books in my cupboard. But none so great as "Finding Cassie Crazy."

When i was given this book from a close family member, i was a bit skeptical of course as i like choosing my own books. I had no idea whatsoever of what i was to expect.

From the very first word to the last, Moriarty had me hooked. Her slapstick humour, and laugh out loud quotes, will have me quoting them for all my years.

For those who havent read this book i recommend it to anyone who has an open mind and a ready heart to share it with Emily, Lydia and Cassie.

I would like to commend the author, Jaclyn, this is a masterpiece. It has earned the title of my favourite book, and i still get the many thrills and laughs reading it now, that i got when i first opened the book five years ago.

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