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4.3 4
Young Adult Fiction 451
Finale (Hush, Hush #4) by Becca Fitzpatrick
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Finally, the conclusion to the Hush, Hush series. I really don't know how to feel right now. I remember reading the first book back before I was even a blogger, right after I had read Twilight and was looking for any type of paranormal romance there was. Now here it is years later, and I would choose to read it all over again.
As the final book in the series, this book had a lot to do for me. It had to make up for all the fluff in Silence Hush, Hush #3 [my review] and it had to tie in to the rest of the series and make them all make sense. And that's just what it did.
The book starts right off from where Silence ended. The threat of war between the Nephilim and Fallen Angels is looming ever closer, and with Nora being the leader of the Nephilim army, its a lot more work than expected. As she begins to get ready for this fight, she begins training and is introduced to something that can help as well as harm her.
What I liked most about this book, was the amount of action and suspense in it. I have to admit, the others had some action in it, but it was nothing compared to this one. In this one, it was like nonstop. Every time I turned a page, I found that something else was happening. And the best part of that, not everything that happens is expected There were a lot of things that had my mouth like hanging open, trying to figure out how and why something happened.
But, there was one thing that I was sort of on the fence about. The romance between Patch and Nora. It was not played up as much in this one. I liked that because it gave room for the rest of the action and suspense in the story. There was more time for other things to happen. What I didn't like about it, is there was less of Patch's romantic side. But I let it slide, because when it WAS time for him to be "Patch," he definitely delivered. Speaking of things along that line, I do respect Fitzpatrick for the way she handled the next step in their relationship. Well done.
As far as the characters, there is not one that is left unfinished. We learn everyone's entire story. Some of which I was proud to see grew up an exponential amount and some that left me with my mouth agape, having to read it again and make sure I wasn't seeing things. But, in all honesty, I did figure out what was going on with one of those characters a bit early, but I thought he was teamed up with someone else who was missing from the story. But I wasn't entirely right so no points off for being predictable.
All in all, I'm sad to say good-bye to this series. I will forever keep Patch as one of my favorite Book Boyfriends and I look forward to the next book that Becca Fitzpatrick writes.
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