Review Detail

3.4 53
Young Adult Fiction 950
A Mixed Bag
Overall rating
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I really wanted to love this book. I didn't hate it, but I didn't love it. I was left sort of feeling ... meh. It's an interesting idea, but many elements of it feel too predictable and cliche. The immortal hot boy who inexplicably loves the human girl. The human girl seeming to have no other friends, no interests, no life outside of the hot boy. And a ton of the plot revolving around whether hot boy's secrets will stand in the way of the inevitable romance. However, the main characters ARE interesting, the twist of Ever's sister's ghost is nice, and Summerland is beautiful. I didn't care for the ending because it was one of those "the villain is gone so I will now leave the girl unprotected and OH NO the villain is still here!" things, and I felt like I wanted a more solid set-up for the resolution and a better reason for the heroine to face the villain alone. I think this book will definitely have fans since the romance is timeless and epic and has supernatural elements to it, but I wanted more from this.
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