Eclipse (Twilight #3)

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Another classic
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Reader reviewed by Jenna

Bella and Edward are back together, and everything is going great... Until an unknown visitor arrives and throws the balance off tragically. The Cullens go into defensive mode, trying to protect Bella until graduation, when Carlisle has promised to make Bella what she wants most... and what Edward wants least. Which will get their way? Will Bella survive graduation? Who is snooping around in her bedroom? Read to find out!
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One of the best
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Reader reviewed by mayu

I love this book i was worried that this was not gona be good as the first or second but it was just as good this book i could not put down i stayed up not being able to stand not knowing what was gona happen next, this truely is a great book. The danger the romance of edward and bell and bell's love for edward and jacob.
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best book ever
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Reader reviewed by emily

this was completly the best book ever and i was hooked on it from the first page. i would totally rec omeend it to anyone eho likes the idea of fantasy vampires who are not to scary and also a graet read! you should also read the other 2 books in the series and the authors coming out with a new 3rd book in augest called breaking dawn i think and i cant wait to buy that!
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Another good one
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Reader reviewed by looneytunez8

After reading Twilight and New Moon, I decided to read Eclipse as well. I mean, why not? I was so thrilled once I started reading the book. Edward proposes to Bella...and Jacob starts getting jealous...Let's just say-If you loved the first two, you'll love the third, as well.
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joy and jealousy
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Reader reviewed by bookworm

this has to be my favorite of the three. I was so excited to have bella and edward together again. I was happy most about bella and how she tried to save edward. it was so antispating and intense. I have never been more exicted about a book.

my absolute favorite part is that edward asked bella to marry him. I was psyched. i was so crazy happy about that and i'm so glad bella accepted. Sorry jacob but you just can't take first loves apart. ever. jacob, i'm sure you will find your true love as well. I'm actually realy sure because you still haven't imprinted and when you do, I would loved to hear all about it.
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Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer
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Reader reviewed by Megan

It's just a few weeks before high school graduation, and although most girls Bella Swan's age would be focused on what to wear to the big dance or how to pass Calculus, Bella has a few more important things on her mind. Now that she's been reunited with her vampire boyfriend Edward, Bella must decide whether --- and when --- to join him and his coven, to forsake her mortality (and her friends and family) to live, like Edward, forever.

Bella has grown up a lot since readers first met her in Stephenie Meyer's first novel, TWILIGHT. Back then she was naive, impetuous and easily swayed by Edward's dazzlingly good looks and effortlessly romantic charms. Now, though, in the third book in this series, Bella is finally thinking a little about the implications of her decision to become a vampire and even standing up to Edward's dominating, overprotective tendencies.

Edward is an old-fashioned guy. He won't turn Bella into a vampire unless she marries him first, and the idea of telling him she's getting married at 18 is more terrifying than admitting to her future transformation. Bella would also have to move far away from her beloved father during their dangerous "newborn" vampire period, when she would be unable to control her bloodthirsty urges. And then there's Jake, the werewolf who finally pledges his love to Bella. Is she really ready to leave him behind?

Bella does feel some urgency for this decision, though. She has made some enemies who would be more than happy to harm her while they still can. What's more, there's a newborn vampire on the loose in Seattle, terrorizing humans and threatening either the Cullen family or Bella herself. Clearly, time is running out while Bella hesitates.

Readers who devoured TWILIGHT and NEW MOON will ingest ECLIPSE just as hungrily. Diehard fans may grow weary at the amount of exposition near the novel's beginning, although they may be intrigued to learn more of the vampires' and werewolves' backstories. Since Meyer's books have always been more of a love story than a vampire series, however, many readers will appreciate ECLIPSE's more firm grounding in reality, largely focusing on character realization rather than on melodramatic, metaphysical conflicts.

The further development of the Jake-Bella-Edward love triangle, in particular, will almost certainly appeal to romance fans, and will divide readers according to whom --- the coldly beautiful Edward or the hot-headed Jake --- they think Bella should choose. One thing fans will agree on, though: Bella's fate is far from over, which means readers eventually will be able to savor even more of her story.
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Approved, Yet Disappointed
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Reader reviewed by EshInoBi

Twilight (#3): Eclipse

I rated this : 3/5

Since Edward was in this book a lot, I really approved of it, but then I started thinking New Moon was better. I was basically bored. I hope the upcoming books aren't as boring. Basically, it's Edward Cullen and Jacob Black (who Bella befriended while Edward was away in New Moon), fight over Bella. Jacob is... Edward's natural enemy. Also, let's not forget. There's also the fact that Victoria (James's mate) is seeking revenge on Bella because of Edward killing James. "Mate for mate," she said.

I hope the Twilight series don't continue on like this. It's gradually slowing down, getting slower. I wouldn't recommend this book to people who've read Twilight; it's sort of disappointin, but if you want to finish the whole series, I guess this is an essential part to her life when Edward stepped into it.
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Emotional and Dangerous Love Triangle
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Reader reviewed by Stephanie

Everyone's favorite male vampire is back for a third installment of this bestselling impossible romance...and it seems like he's decided to stay for good (which is good for us readers, yay!). Edward realizes now that he cannot leave Bella again, or both of them might die from the separation. Their relationship continues to get stronger and more intense, but an oft-unspoken deadline is looming in the air: high school graduation, which means that Bella won't be human for very much longer. Bella has decided to be changed into a vampire to make being with Edward easier, but part of her is still nervous about the human relationships and friendships she will have to leave behind.

In particular, she worries about her friend turned werewolf, Jacob Black. Ever since the Cullens returned to Forks, Jake and the rest of the Quileute tribe have seemingly resisted any contact with her. Bella can't understand why she is so devastated about her loss of Jake's friendship, nor why they cant just all drop their labels--vampire, werewolf, helpless human girl--and get along.

In an alarming situation, however, vampires and werewolves are, for the first time, pitched against a mutual enemy: Victoria, the vampire lusting for Bella's blood as a sort of payback to what Edward did to her mate, James. This time Victoria's got an ingenious plan that surely won't fail. With crippling helplessness, Bella can only watch as Jacob and Edward form an uneasy truce over their mutual feelings for Bella and eagerly charge into a battle to save the life of the girl they both love.

To say that ECLIPSE isn't emotional would be like saying the sky isn't blue. Many mature themes are dealt with here as Bella struggles to make a decision about her future vampirism. However, ECLIPSE is also action- and drama-packed. Two lovable boys, enemies in form and common affection, fighting for Bella. Bloodthirsty, bad vampires (who can get enough of them?). I guarantee that ECLIPSE will not disappoint steadfast Twilight fans, and we are all looking forward to the fourth and final book with barely contained impatience.
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Reader reviewed by Lauren

i have read the first two books in the saga. and this one is definetly the second best. i was thrilled with twilight. sad with new moon (only because somebody left!) and i was amazed by eclipse. these books have true love written all over them. and even though i don't like jacob black in the story, the characters are amazing! READ THIS BOOK!
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best series ever
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Reader reviewed by jmk

eclipse is about one of the best books ive ever read and thats saying something since i have been able to read chapter books since kindergarden. i love the twilight series! is edward based on someone? he has got to be hot. the guy playing him in the movie is kind of ugly though. i mean they made JACOB hotter then edward wich is so not right. anyways i still love the twilight series and am looking forward to breaking dawn.
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