Eclipse (Twilight #3)

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GRRReat book
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Reader reviewed by Rae

This was a great book! the tension between Edward and Jacob really built up the suspense. I really wasn't sure if I wanted Bella to choose Edward or Jacob, although I was pretty sure who she was going to choose. I never would have guessed though that Bella was in love with Jacob.That just made the goodbye harder. the epilogue in Jacob's point of view made me cry. it was so sad to see how he felt. I hope Jake imprints soon so he doesn't feel so depressed.

The only things that I think detracted from this book was that Bella was so whiny and thought everything was her fault and that Edward Really lost his personality. Other than that the book was PERFECT!

Everyone should read Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse (in that order) they are geat,but sad and romantic.
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Werewolves, Vampies, and Switzerland, Oh My!
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Reader reviewed by Kaitlyn

Ah,yes, the gang is back. Or should I say the clans and packs are back? Anyway you say it, you get the same effect. In the third book in the Twilight saga, Bella faces death, again. Plus, two "men" are in love with her. What is she to do? Obvouisly almost cause death to them both, the usual.
In this one we find out more about Rosalie's past and Jasper's as well. Which, makes you like Rosalie a little more. And the moment Edward had been waiting for finally happened, Bella said yes to his marrige preposal.
This one is probably my second favorite in the seris. It has a surprise ending and makes you really wonder what will happen in the final *sob* book *sob*.

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Third Book, But Still Awesome
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Reader reviewed by Megan

Edward's hiding something from Bella -- she doesn't know what but she's sure. When Jacob confronts Edward about it, she learns that other vampires are after her. This leads to a full battle, with both the Cullens and the werewolves participating to protect Bella. And what we have all been waiting for has finally happened -- Bella and Edward are engaged! This one, like the other two, keeps your attention and waiting for the next and final one!
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Vampire Love
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Reader reviewed by Katie

Eclipse is a page-turning gripping novel.The third book to Twilight. Edward, the vampire and Bella, the mortal are together again, closer than ever. But, there's still danger for Bella when an army of newborn Vampires are out to get her. While the time she has as a human is getting closer and closer. Edward and her talk seriously about marriage. The best book yet in the series. More romance, more danger and more vampires! I loved it because Bella and Edward were more in love and marriage and when Bella gets bitten to turn into a vampire are all closer and talked about more. I CAN'T wait until the 4th book comes out. I never knew I could be so passionate about a book. I even found it to be better than my most loved series, Harry Potter. I easily finished it in one day because it was soooooo good and page-turning. I normally don't like books about vampires but this is a different and unique type of writing with a lot of romance tied in with fantasy and horror.
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The best book ever!!
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Reader reviewed by eeyore gal

Eclipse is the third novel in Stephenie Meyers popular Twilight series. You really want to have read Twilight and New Moon (in that order) first before reading Eclipse, because the author doesnt spend too much time expounding the story-lines of the previous novels but rather drops the reader straight in to the story. You also want to read Twilight and New Moon because they are both excellent novels and, trust me, you are missing out if you havent read them.

Eclipse carries on not long after New Moon left off. Bellas high school graduation is approaching and she will soon be leaving Forks forever, ostensibly to go to college - but in reality she is planning to join her boyfriend in his vampire existence and will therefore be unable to return home, due to being dead and possessed by a terrible blood lust for the first few years. Not that the reader is actually taken that far in this story, we make it through graduation but then the dangerous vampires from Seattle come to Forks and dealing with them dominates the rest of the novel.

This is only one part of the story though. Eclipse is primarily a romantic saga, so Bella and Edwards relationship is the primary focus of the novel. Or as I should say Bella, Edward and Jacobs relationship - because there is a love triangle in the plot of this novel.

Bella and Jacob have always been friends, at least they were - right up until Jacob became a werewolf. Then the enmity between vampires and werewolves put a huge strain on their friendship. Besides which, Jacob is in love with Bella, who is in love with Edward so this is going to make things awkward between them.

At this point, Eclipse descends into soap opera territory Bella has found her soul mate in Edward but Jacob is the soul mate she should have / could have / would have had if Edward didnt exist. She loves him too but not as much as Edward. Why she loves Jacob is beyond me he knows that she loves Edward but Jacob still tries to make her feel guilty that she cant love him like he wants her too. Blatant emotional blackmail is unattractive whatever way you serve it up and it detracted from his otherwise fine character. Worse, it lead to a large proportion of this book being devoted to teenage angst and with this book being 628 pages long that a substantial amount of angst!

To be fair, Eclipse is written for the young adult market so I really shouldnt complain about the teen angst and the drama but for me it meant that this book lacked the magical quality that made Twilight stand out from the crowd of vampire romances available in bookstores today. Dont misunderstand me - Eclipse is still a really good read. The book didnt feel like it was over 600 pages long, I literally flew through the pages and had to make a conscious effort to slow down my reading so I didnt finish the whole book in a couple of sittings.

For teens already hooked on the series Eclipse is another solid instalment of Forks goodness. Adult readers may be put off by the teenage relationship angst in this novel but if you have already enjoyed the authors previous offerings I think there is still plenty here to entertain.

It will be intriguing to see where Stephenie Meyer takes the ideas and characters in this series next. Writing for the Young Adult market always means that there is some expectation for the author to set a good example for impressionable young minds and criticisms that Bellas character is too dependent and needs set a better example for young women seem unfair. This is romantic fantasy enjoy it!
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Romance+Suspense=One Great Book
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Reader reviewed by Maggie Clark

The romance between Bella and Edward just keep making me want to read more. Around the first half of the book is just romance. And then toward the end its becomes suspensful when another vampire wants to kill Bella. Through the whole book the author uses great detail. I would reccemend this book to young adult readers who like to read romance.
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A Love/Hate Relationship
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Reader reviewed by abscae

This book was wonderful; I have to admit that at least. Stephenie Meyer was fabulous once again, and the story, plot, characters: all so exhilarating. Yet, I also have a hate relationship with this book simply because of the whole Jacob/Bella thing.

Read it, of course, after reading the first two. It'll take your breath away. And despite the fact that I absolutely despise Jacob, I couldn't hold tears back nearing the end of the book, which says a lot about Meyer's writing ability.

Fabulous, fabulous book :)
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My Objections...
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Reader reviewed by ahlam qerqez

Eclipse, at first I was thinking of the name of the book, and trying to guess why Stephenie Meyer ever thought of naming it that way. Before I read the book, I began to form a hypothesis, and thought well maybe because (as I read in the summary) when an eclipse is formed in real life, the moon covers up the sun, and I thought that might have been Jacob Black trying to cover up Edward so he can be noticed to Bella, or something related to that jealousy between Edward, and Jacob. Lets get on to the book. I can't say it was the best one of all the three, because I honestly thought it would be better, because of all the enthusiasim and happiness that was roaming around me while I was waiting, dreadfully and hoping it would come out as soon as possible. When I got the book and it finally reached my hands, I didn't feel the happiness I once had for Twilight, or Newmoon. The story was a little boring, and too much, is too little. Like she wrote way too much descriptions that got me frustrated and began to skip through pages, which I regret. I mean there should be more action, not just that one scene where Victoria comes, and stuff. If this is fantasy then there should be even more fantacy, and stuff. I also didn't like all that love and physical emotions, I mean in Twilight it had so much suspense that I could take and I wanted more! Here, just oh he kissed her, and stuff. I actually really thought it would be better, and I HOPE the last book Breaking Dawn is way better! The plot is simple, a couple of vampires invade Forks, and are killing people. Bella and Edward try to find them, and by scent they find out it's Victoria. The story goes on between the jealousy between Edward and Jacob. My favorite part was when Jacob was sleeping next to Bella as Edward watched raging with jealousy, it was hilarious! I loved some scenes, and it was okay, I probably would rank it a three and a half out of five. Thanks Stephenie Meyer! I love your books, and all you readers should read it!
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Stephenie Meyer has done it again!
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Reader reviewed by Natalie

The 3rd book in the Twilight series, this book continues the story of Bella and her vampire soul mate. The story deals with whether and when Bella will get turned into a vampire and whether she can stay friends with Jacob, a warewolf/enemy of vampires.

Twilight deals with finding true love, New Moon deals with losing true love and Eclipse deals with CHOOSING true love.

Who will Bella chose?
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bella's life is in jepardy, yet again.
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Reader reviewed by Jamie M.

Bella's life is in jeopardy again when Victoria makes an appearance, then retreating. Victoria isn't seen for a while after that. Jacob isn't happy with Edward and Edward feels the same towards Jacob. the next occurrence is when an unknown vampire breaks into Bella's room and steals half of her dirty laundry, for her scent. there has also been numerous killings in Seattle. the Cullens say that the killings are due to new vampires, many new vampires.

Stephenie Meyer comes back with another great hit. the third in the series, Eclispe is just as good as twilight and new moon, Stephanie's first two books. here next book, breaking dawn, is expected to come out fall of 2008. i can't wait! i love her series.
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