Review Detail

4.2 2
Young Adult Fiction 248
An excellent retelling with a twist. I will definitely be keeping up with this series.
Overall rating
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What I Loved: After hearing all the buzz about this book and seeing that it was a Wizard of Oz retelling/spin-off, I knew I had to give it a shot. For the most part, I was pleasantly pleased with this book. Paige’s writing is great and I loved this spin on such a classic story. Taking such iconic characters and putting such a dark and twisted spin on them was just genius and I really loved being able to visualize them as well as this world in a new light. Having Dorothy as a bad guy and seeing Oz turn into such a desolate and depressing world?! It definitely sparks your curiosity.

Left Me Wanting More: I will admit that there’s a bit of a lull after the beginning, going on towards the middle, where nothing much happens, but I didn’t mind it all that much and once things picked up after that, it was awesome. I also didn’t like how I was left with quite a few questions. Sure, we need the slow build, as this is supposed to be a trilogy, but there were times where I was like “just get on with it already”. After learning about Amy’s various missions that she needs to complete before killing Dorothy, I really think she could’ve at least accomplished one of them in this book.

Final Verdict: I really liked Amy’s character. Being in her head was pretty great. She’s had a rough life and I liked her inner sarcasm and spunk, despite how scared and clueless she might have come across on the outside. Overall, this was a fantastic book and introduction to a series. I’m definitely looking forward to continuing this series.
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