Review Detail

4.9 10
Young Adult Fiction 347
Absolutely Riveting!
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Although I'm not providing spoilers for this book, if you have NOT read the first book in the series (Hex Hall), I highly advise that you DO NOT read this review!

Alright, so if you're still reading this, I'm assuming that you've read Hex Hall. As we all know, at the end of Hex Hall, Sophie announces that she wants to go through The Removal to get read of her powers after having to kill her great-grandmother, Alice, with a shard of Demon Glass. She's scared that she'll go psycho like Alice and Lucy, her grandmother. So in Demon Glass, it's nearing the end of the school year. Sophie's father, Head of the Council, shows up at Hex Hall to talk to Sophie about going through the removal. He makes a deal with her: If she spends the summer with him in England then he'll allow her to go through the removal. Of course, as any loving father would, he tries to change her mind through the whole trip. Will she go through with it after all?

Now, I absolutely loved the first book. I've seen reviews and ratings for Demon Glass and was wondering what exactly was missing for people to give it 2 stars. I personally loved this book a little more than the first. Rarely do I find a sequel that is even equally enjoyable to the first. This book was riveting, had me at the edge of my seat, and I even cried a few times. It is a great addition to the series and I cannot wait to read the next book!
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