Review Detail

4.5 39
Young Adult Fiction 631
A Cure For Love
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Do I recommend it? Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!!!!!

Delirium is an absolutely FANTASTIC book that, while I was rating it, I would have given it a 10 out of 5!!!!! lol.

Delirium is set in the future, when love is considered a disease. When people turn 18, or as close as possible to their 18th birthday, they become cured for the "delirium nervosa" aka love. Lena is an unremarkable 17-year-old who can't wait for her operation. She counts down the days until she can be cured. She is constantly afraid of the disease that could be swirling around her veins and take control of her. And everything would probably have gone to plan, she would have been cured and paired up with a man who she will never love, have unremarkable dinners on unremarkable days. But everything changed on her evaluation day, the day when the judges will decide who she will be paired up with. Suddenly, a stampede of cows comes charging in, ruining everything. To make matters worse, she saw a BOY that dared to WINK at her.

Lena's world starts falling apart. Her best friend Hana starts going to illegal parties after curfew that are COED, and wants Lena to join her. Not wanting to prove Hana's point that she is weak, Lena starts sneaking out after curfew too. To make matters worse, she seems to keep the same boy from the evaluation everywhere, and she starts to find a strange attraction to him. At first, Lena is terrified. She is infected with deliria,and she will soon die. At least, thats what she thinks. With Alex's help, Lena starts to see the true meaning of love, and all the lies her entire world has been built on.

But what will happen once the regulators find out, as they are bound to at some point? What will happen when Lena has to take the cure, and will eventually forget about Alex? I'm not going to tell you. You want to find out, read the book. It will be worth your while!

An AMAZING book about finding out our true selves inside, and an insight on an epic world where love is something to be ashamed of, something that could get you executed.
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